2024-12-21 01:13
Nu börjar jag få lite styr på min cybersäkerhet hos Cybernetics. Den extremt kraftfulla duplexswitch jag fick ärva av Hikan har jag nu stängt alla portar i genom ett genialt montage.
2024-12-21 00:45
Acrobat Reader är nu installerad.
2024-12-1 12:12
Att alfahanen erbjuder en väl rotad och lätt synlig rodnad av mänsklig pälsen kan inte någon missat. Detta alfakrull som härstamma från vikingatiden markerar tydligt den bruteforce som användes för att penetrera fienden.
Med detta så vill jag lyfta fram min frisör, kapeten på mitt skepp mot Birka!
2024-12-15 10:49
Mekaniskt, Stroke-by-wire, virtuellt eller punch-by-thought tangentbord? Val efter tycke och smak faller sig naturligt men som expert vill jag sätta upp ett varnande finger. Senaste vågen av MITM angrepp sker just mellan person och tangent vilket lättast detekteras genom ökad storlek och eliminering av elektronik.
Lösningen är Cyberklaviaturen QWERTY-1337
Highly important PoC
Ah-mahh-gaaaaddh, I have a really important PoC in DK where I need metadata from fart-analytics. Design guy in Sweden promised me to test on this video clip. We need to have a reliable crowed contamination detection in confined space!
Huge potential for connected collector in Milestone SQL Enterprise kluster database meta-alpha-data enhancer tool.
2024-12-14 08:34
Cybernetics has successfully developed a groundbreaking product that combines cutting-edge technology with innovative design, setting a new standard in its field. This achievement created a market sensation, with Cybernetics Inc.‘s stock on the New York Stock Exchange skyrocketing by 20.3% within the first minute of trading, driven solely by the company’s remarkable innovation.
Owner Sir Lord Oredligman commented, “I’m simply the best. It feels great to push Elon down to second place on the wealth leaderboard now that I’m officially number one.”
Photographer: Oredligman
Equipment: Hasseblad HaloQ (Only two produced, one I had to leave behind on a mission to Saturnus, due to malfunction of my remote electromagnetic brain-interface to the Milkyway.
388 day long stakeout to capture this rare Danish man, identify him self as a exhaust-lady.
Photographer: Oredligman
Equipment: When I promote myself in meetings, my indexfinger from time to time snap a 10 second videoclip. From that clip I managed to grab one frame of me and my brother River Oredligman evaluation Visual Gun Detection.
Only two things based on atoms and molecules are faster than its own shadow, Lucky Luke and Oredligman. And we all know the Lucky Luke is a cartoon and doesn't exist IRL.
Photographer: PrtSc
Introducing the winning hoodie, to use in the hood
Size and color: Oredligman-(one)-size. Svart eller veckans färg